NPO Capacity Building Programme 2024/2025

Youth-led NPOs are hereby requested to submit proposals to form part of the National Youth Development Agency’s NPO Capacity Building Programme for the Financial year 2024/2025.

The National Youth Development Agency, through its flagship program, the National Youth Service Programme, will engage or enrol ninety (90) youth-led organizations across the nine provinces (10 organizations per province) into a capacity-building program for the period of ten (10) months, starting from June 2024 to March 2025. Qualifying organizations will be taken through NYS norms and standards and provided with tools and templates during the induction period in provinces so that they are able to initiate and design social impact projects that promote social cohesion, nation-building, patriotism, active citizenship, and volunteerism. NYSU will collaborate with other key stakeholders to strengthen the delivery of the program by addressing governance and compliance-related issues. Eligible organizations are invited to submit proposals in response to a Call for Proposals for NPO Capacity Building. Organisations proposals should demonstrate how they will incorporate working and engaging youth in conflict with the law and reintegration services and youth living with disabilities focused on variety of areas including , but not limited to:

  • Education;
  • Skills Development and Training.
  • Sport, Arts and Culture.
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Human Rights
  • Gender Equability (GBV Prevention and intervention programme);
  • Poverty Alleviation Programme
  • Health and Wellbeing (HIV/AIDS, Primary health care Programmes);
  • Drug and substance abuse awareness;
  • Youth in conflict with the Law, reintegration services
  • Youth living with Disabilities; and
  • Social Services support

    1. Eligibility Criteria

    • 100% Youth Led Organisation;
    • Organisation must be in operation between 0-3 years.
    • Members must be between the ages of 18 and 35 years;
    • South African citizens;
    • The organisation should be operating within the borders of South Africa;
    • Focus and implement community and youth development programme.

      2. Exclusions

      • Previous organisations that participated in the programme will not be considered.;
      • Organisations that have been in existent for more than 3 years.
      • Profit making entities
      • Politically affiliated groups.
      • Pose reputational, fraud, non-performance or non-disclosure risks
      • Persons in the service of state or are employed full-time
      • Any organisation that is not 100% youth owned

3. Organisations should submit proposals using the below information as a template

  • Executive Summary
  • Background
  • Problem to solve and solutions
  • Beneficiaries of the programme
  • Business Structure
  • Financial Plan
  • Drug and substance abuse awareness
  • Project Timeline

    4. Submission requirements

    Use the following e-mail address to respond to the proposal:

    Include Subject line 'RE: Call for application NYS-NPO:2024/2025'

    • Annexture 1: Fully completed application form;
    • Annexture 2: Proposal (Refer to point 3 above).
    • Organisation Registration Certificate
    • Organisation profile
    • SARS – Tax Compliance Status Pin Issued Certificate
    • Proof of Bank Account - In the Name of the NPO and NOT of the Individual
    • Central Supplier Database (CSD) Report
    • Project Team CV's and Certified ID copies not older than 6 Months
    • 2x Testimonial Letters: recommendation letters from past clients
    • Proof of Project Site Address/Lease Agreement/ Letter Signed by the Councillor/Tribal House

5. Closing date

The closing date for submissions of this Call for application has been extended to the 24th May 2024 at 16h00. Late submissions will not be accepted.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This is a capacity Building programme; submission of proposals does not guarantee funding or acceptance in the capacity-building program network. Proposals will be approved based on relevance, compliance, and a demonstration of capacity to deliver. Due to the high number of applications, we anticipate receiving, we will not be able to respond to all the applications

  • Click here to download Applicaition Form